House of Blues Triple Play

Posted on April 17, 2007. Filed under: The Experience |

_mg_9467.jpgThe Sippy Cups played three awesome shows this past weekend at the House of Blues in Anaheim, San Diego and Los Angeles.

Check out the buzz around the blogs about the performance!

DadCentric says “The band tore through much of Electric Storyland – my personal favorite was “I Am A Robot”, which brought me back to the days of hotboxing in the Balboa Park Planetarium parking lot, there to see the Pink Floyd laser show (seems like only yesterday – my, how quickly those three months have gone by). The kids were issued plastic tambourines and maracas, and balloon artists were on hand to pass out balloon hats and animals. Between songs, band member Sippy Doug assumed the role of various characters (Major Minor, Hair Professor); the show was fast-paced, fun, and kept the kids enthralled… The band also exuberantly covered the Velvet Underground’s “Rock and Roll”, the Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Sedated” (sanitized a bit; the Sippys wanna be “elated”) and for the encore, the Stones’ “She’s A Rainbow.”

LA Daily News

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