Buzz about the Cups!

Posted on May 3, 2007. Filed under: Hip Happenings |

marquee.jpgWell, the lines are forming….tickets are becoming scarce! The band’s Earth Day gig at Bimbo’s on the 22nd brought hundreds of families to each show, with lines extending down the block. The band is picking up some steam with the multiple linedowntheblock.jpgshows that they played this spring! Last week they were mentioned in Newsweek Magazine and Life.

The Cups are expanding their base with shows in the Northwest and upcoming appearances at Lollapalooza and NYC this summer!

This week on ABC’s Nightline, clips from their West Hollywood, House of Blues show will air, filmed for a story about Neal Pollack’s book Alternadad(UPDATE:  The Nightline piece will air this Friday!)

Check it out!

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